title Motion Stop! for Mac Blog

About Motion Stop!:

Motion Stop! is a free to use software used to create short movies in stop motion.
For now, Motion Stop! is in Beta version.

About Development:

I've developed it in a week but I have to add some functionality and fix many bugs.
You can follow the progress of the software from this page.
I am developing Motion Stop! for fun, but it's a lot of time to invest;
the software will be more reliable and more complete if I have more time to develop.
Your assistance will be beneficial not only to me but to all other users,
so please donate a little of your time to the project.

How To Contribute:

If you want to contribute, you can help by addressing the typos on my site, for example.
You can also share with me some addresses for really good websites about Cocoa or Web programming.
Just send me a e-mail me with what you want to do or what you can contribute - I will be delighted.
Now the beta version released, I need help to test the software on different platforms.
All persons who help will have their names written in the list of thanks.


Thank you very much for your interest in the project.

To Gerard M Laurence for helping me to correct my spelling mistakes

My To Do list:

- Enable Copy & Paste for Leopard
- Add Search to try frame
- Enable Name Filter
- (Users Preferences)

- Enable NSUndoManager
- Add Timer Function
- Enable Input Devices Selection
- Create Speed Icon
- Enable Change Count
- Selection is disabled after deleting row
- Importing Image Files

Bugs I Have to fix:


- Reading fps Information Doesn't Work [#001]
- Crash on 2nd Rendering [#002]
- Compression on Export Images Sequences Doesn't Work [#003]
- Crash Index [#004]
- Crash on Reading Motion Stop! Project File [#005]
- Deleting Last Row Creates Bounds Exception [#006]
- Crash on 2nd Sequence of Images Export [#007]
- Deleting entry deletes 2 selections [#008]
- Some Menu are not Sync. [#010]
- Some Progress Indicator Menu are not Sync. [#009]

Last Updated: 06/03/10